Site Obsolete as of 21st October 2009, information is no longer being updated.

Following a long run of having events weekly, we now have time and a server available to dedicate to public racing! Our Public Server is back online now, running the MRT for races of varying lengths on a variety of tracks, including Autocross layouts! Tracks rotate every race, or at a voted end race.
We hope that an admin will be there for most of the time so please direct anything to them.
We are currently running a WEEKLY POINTS COMPETITION. Each week, the competition will run from Monday to the following Monday. Airio will track those points so you can see where you stand. We will give recognition to weekly winners. Airio will also keep track of races in a "Series" - that is, every 8 races, which is how long we have scheduled at each combo in the automatic rotation.
The server is now open for racing. Please join us at
NDR|MRT Public Racing
This Week:
MRT Public Racing Week 0 - 14 September - 21 September: This will count towards the weekly championship, but will also server to flush out any errors in the system.
Points Competition Winners
Server Rules
Report User
Donate to NDR Public Racing
Currently, the NDR Public Racing server is financed by our own members' input. We work on a tight budget, but fortunately we have been sponsored two other servers to use for league races. Donating to us will allow us to keep this Public Racing Server open constantly, and if enough donations are received, there may will be the possibility of an additional Public Racing Server. Any donation, however small, will help to support LFS racing in our leagues and in the Public server, and we will sincerely appreciate any donations you send us.